2012-May-14: KO kickboxing class
2012-May-13: 4.1 mile dog jog at town lake data
Saw friends a few times, was nice to see & talk to them, stopped a couple times to let dog drink
overall pretty easy run. Felt good after.
2012-May-12: Garage WOD
For time: 3 rounds 30 box jumps, 40 abmat situps, 50 squats
2012-May-11: Veloway laps w/Neil - data
2012-May-10: Xrays negative, still taking it easy, did easy yoga and walked dogs
2012-May-9: Shoulder rehab/rest - just walked the dog
2012-May-8: CC WOD
3 rounds for time: 3 DL 315, 10Burpee, 20DU - DNF (shoulder issue) - just did DU work after 2rnds
2012-May-7: BJJ class
2012-May-6: Went diving, worked in the yard.
2012-May-5 MTB ride at SCT - data
2012-May-4: Active recovery day. 90min yoga..yikes.
2012-May-3: CC WOD: 5x3 box squat; WOD was no go b/c we ran over so i missed most of it
2012-May-2: 5k dog jog at town lake (data) & BJJ class after work
2012-May-1: CC WOD: CC Flyers: 14:54 (75lb ohs)
Krav 2/3 and Yoga classes after work