Thursday, February 25, 2010

Feb 25 - Burpee Ultimate Growing System?

CrossFit Central WOD
3 Rounds for time:
Row 500
10 Squat clean to overhead, 155lb
16:15 RX

100 Days of 100 Squats Challenge
Day 30...100 Squats
Extra Fun Time
15 pullups
15 burpees
Today's WOD is one of my favorites because I feel I can do those two movements pretty well at the prescribed weight. I did most of the squat cleans to over head as a squat clean to thruster which seemed to be faster than pausing to do a push press or push jerk (the latter two reps 7-10 as I fatigued each round).

  • 740 - Eggs, turkey bacon, banana, coffee, water (pwo)
  • 155pm - Some turkey, banana, pistachios, water
  • 755pm - Can of tuna, apple, nuts, water
  • 950pm - Some turkey, two oranges, nuts, water
  • ...didn't eat enough today, just snacked really, not good.


  1. Thanks for the rowing video! I am able to pull 15 to 20 meters a pull thanks to those techniques. However...still working on the mental attitude necessary to freakin squat clean and press 155lbs for time. Grrr....

    My time....20:55 Rx
