CrossFit Central WOD
Run 80021 Push Jerk, 95lb
Row 1000m
21 Push Jerk, 95lb
More for the Core
3 rounds
30 plank knee to elbow
25 situps
Foot/Ankle Flex work
100 Days of 100 Squats Challenge
Day 42...100 Squats
Yoga, 30min
- 750am - Eggs, turkey bacon, coffee, water
- 145pm - whey shake, celery, water (pwo)
- 240pm - Lara bar, water
- 437pm - Turkey jerky, couple crackers w/some cheese, water - need to get some good food thawed!
- 750pm - Baked fish, black beans, steamed veg, water, glass of red wine
You gotta fuel the furnace! Food is 80% of it! Looking forward to a workout in the new garage for sure!