Monday, January 9, 2012

Endurance Nutrition?

I don't really know a lot about endurance athletics, mainly because when I was in the Army we didn't care (nutrition was beer and whatever we felt like eating) and until recently I didn't do much endurance activities at all. Since getting back on a mountain bike, I have been thinking about endurance nutrition a lot more. Specifically what to eat during the event and for breakfast before the event.

Sunday's ride was really long and burned over 2500 calories. I had a couple protein bars and some mixed unsalted nuts with me along with 100oz of water in my camelback. I felt pretty ok for the most part, but towards the end I was deep in the pain cave and started to lose focus, next thing I knew I was out of water. Fortunately I was very close to the trail head and parking lot where my truck was parked and the water I had fortunately assumed I would want or need after the ride.

Right now I am not sure what to eat before & during rides like this for optimal performance, so I will do some research and reach out to some people that will know the answers.

Two KM classes: Level 1 then Level 2. 60min each.

MTB ride at Rocky Hill Ranch:
221min, 2596cal
Ride Data

Easy WOD - 4 rounds:
Run 400
40 abmat situps
then 100 double unders

Took dogs for a walk after

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