Thursday, February 25, 2010

Feb 25 - Burpee Ultimate Growing System?

CrossFit Central WOD
3 Rounds for time:
Row 500
10 Squat clean to overhead, 155lb
16:15 RX

100 Days of 100 Squats Challenge
Day 30...100 Squats
Extra Fun Time
15 pullups
15 burpees
Today's WOD is one of my favorites because I feel I can do those two movements pretty well at the prescribed weight. I did most of the squat cleans to over head as a squat clean to thruster which seemed to be faster than pausing to do a push press or push jerk (the latter two reps 7-10 as I fatigued each round).

  • 740 - Eggs, turkey bacon, banana, coffee, water (pwo)
  • 155pm - Some turkey, banana, pistachios, water
  • 755pm - Can of tuna, apple, nuts, water
  • 950pm - Some turkey, two oranges, nuts, water
  • ...didn't eat enough today, just snacked really, not good.

Feb 24 - An unrestful rest day

I LOVE the floors of the house. Not one square foot of nasty carpet anywhere to be found!  Now to fill in the place.

With the weather the other day making everyone panic about the snow, my rest day which I had planned on using to paint, hang a tv, and such became a moving day. Fun fun I mean sucked. :))

100 Days of 100 Squats Challenge
Day 29...100 Squats
It's easy enough to do 10 squats here and there, but it really did become a drag to be honest. 
  • 710am - Eggs, turkey bacon, tomato, coffee, water
  • 1130am - Vietnamese mixed bowl: chicken, shrimp, beef, snow peas, broccoli, and some sauce that was too salty, water (tons of water!)
  • 540pm - Chicken tamales - just dug the chicken out, threw the covering out, water
  • 930pm - A little turkey breast, sun butter, water
I don't think I ate enough food, but was on the go moving so much that I really didn't realize that I was hitting the wall until I was already slammed up against it. I definitely drank enough water... maybe TMI, but I was like a fuggin pee machine haha

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Feb 23 - Up in the mornin' 'fore the break of day!

CrossFit Central WOD
30 muscle-up for time
12:04 (jumping MU, shared rings w/buddy)

Post Party
3 rounds of medball core work, 12lb ball (the tax for being last in WOD - no more lighter balls)

100 Days of 100 Squats Challenge
Day 28...100 Squats

I really like working out early. It's the first 10min of the day that are such a struggle....once I get moving it's great.

  • 750am - Eggs fried in EVOO, turkey bacon, banana, coffee w/a little honey, water (pwo)
Edit:  Some days, this town really pisses me off.  OH GOD it's snowing, everyone's gonna die! Let's close everything and send people home!! Title company just sent their employees home, so I can't close on my house. Fucking awesome. At least I'm wasting vacation days like they're free.  Fuck you, snow.

So today is NOT the day. I  WAS supposed to close on my house this afternoon at 1:30. Barring any bullshit with the loan office, title company, lender, etc I should be painting walls and hanging a new ceiling fan in my new home office by this evening. I have a list of other projects that keeps getting longer the more I look around, but supposedly that's half the "fun."  

A lot of people keep asking if I'm excited, but the answer is an honest "not really."  I expect I'll change my tune once the move is done and the list of projects remaining is a lot smaller. I certainly wont miss living in the rental property I'm in now and the 400.00 electricity bills in the summer, so I guess that is exciting :))

Monday, February 22, 2010

Feb 22 - Prioritizer

This week is all about being a good prioritizer. Movers come on Friday and are only going to move the large furniture so I have a lot to move myself this week. Combine that with getting a lot of projects done at the new house will mean that some things will have to be sacrificed in order to get the more important things done. I've coordinated with Coach Zach to go to my CrossFit Central classes for the week at 6:15am, so it seems for now the first thing to go is sleep.

The EPOC challenge ends pretty soon, so I need to keep on track with eating and working out. The plan: get up, work out, then face the days as they come. 

My fuggin shoulder is still very unhappy with me from Saturday, my legs are still feeling Saturday plus six miles of running from yesterday, so today's WOD...undetermined. Maybe I should go get a massage for time!


“Air Force WOD”
5 Burpees
20 Thrusters
20 Sumo Deadlift High Pull
5 Burpees
20 Push Press
20 Over Head Squats
5 Burpees
20 Front Squats
6:46 (75lb barbell)

100 Days of 100 Squats Challenge
Day 27...100 Squats


  • 740am - Eggs cooked in olive oil, bacon, banana, coffee, water
  • 1145am - Can of tuna, two small Clementine oranges, water (pwo)
  • 230pm - Chicken, steak, shrimp fajitas - I did eat a couple small corn tortillas, and they were good, water
  • 700pm - Baked fish, spaghetti squash with olive oil, water

Feb 21 - Welcome to Soreville

EPOC Endurance WOD
2mile run x 3 - rest 4 min between each
18:55, 18:33,18:01
FUCK ME...pardon my French, or not. I don't care. I hated this more than 1000 conference calls. The first one was a real struggle, but they did get a little easier save the last 1/2 mile which was tough b/c the arches of my feet were really hurting.

100 Days of 100 Squats Challenge
Day 26...100 Squats
Lots of TP/Foam roll after.

After Saturday's double WOD, I was sore all over, but worse is that the recurring tendinitis in my right shoulder was flaring up again pretty bad, so I wanted to just get that damn running out of the way and give my shoulder time to calm down. I can't allow it to become a daily issue again.


  • 915am - Eggs, small sweet potato, water, coffee (pwo)
  • 1140am - Turkey breast, tomato, nuts, water, coconut water
  • 125pm - Can of tuna, nuts, water
  • 400pm - Cajun seared orange roughy, steamed veggies, water
  • 740pm - Turkey breast, nuts, water
  • 930pm - Baked redfish, steamed veggies, water
 Lots of smaller meals today, but I felt OK about them. Was busy all day with getting ready to move. I can't wait for this to be done. The coming week is going to be interesting.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Feb 20 - WOD x 2 = Tired x 4

CrossFit Central EPOC Team WOD
3 rounds for time
Run 800m
30 pullups
30 Kettlebell swings, 32kg (72lb)
26:29 Rx'd

100 Days of 100 Squat Challenge
Day 25...100 Squats  = 25% done!!

CrossFit Kettlebell Seminar WOD
Power Swing, 32kg
Push Press, 32kg
7:02 Rx'd

Not the fastest time in the KB WOD at 7:02, but I was the only one to use the beast 32kg bell.

Me and that 2pd aka 32kg aka 1/2 Randal kettlebell are becoming better friends as I get stronger and use better technique. That said, that thing is fuggin heavy and will certainly put the wood to you while making sure you remember the "fun" times spent together :))

  • 750am - Eggs fried in olive oil, turkey bacon, nuts, coffee, water
  • 1010am - Whey shake, dried apple slices, water (pwo mini-Eva)
  • 130pm - Pork, banana, water (pwo KB wod)

Feb 19 - Last day of work for a while :)

So after today vacation starts until March 4, but what an ugly day.  Ugly outside, ugly pain in my lower/mid back, and ugly attitudes from most of my co-workers.

I basically took a rest day, spent some time w/the TP and foam roller to try to get the back feeling better for tomorrow. Yesterday's WOD w/overhead squats didn't go so well b/c of the back issue. With a big weekend of working out, packing to move, etc I saw no need to make things worse.

Spent about 4hrs packing, cleaning, throwing stuff out. I have way too much stuff I don't use or need.

100 Days of 100 Squat Challenge
Day 24...100 Squats

  • 755am - Eggs cooked in bacon fat, bacon, tomato, coffee, water
  • 1145am - Can of tuna, dried apple slices, pistachios, water
  • 230pm - Chicken & jalapeno sausage, tomato, nut and seed mix, water
  • 500pm - Pork tamales (basically gutted the pork out), water
  • 745pm - Turkey, nut and seed mix, water
  • 945pm - Turkey, tomato, nuts, water

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Feb 18 - Crazy day in Austin today

As many of you know, some guy flew a plane into a building b/c he owed money to the IRS or something.  Driving home from CrossFit Central today I heard a woman on KLBJ (caller, not a KLBJ person) saying that it was OK because he was very upset...unreal to really say (and believe) such a thing.  Jennifer, whoever, you

CrossFit Central WOD
5 rounds for time:
400m Run
15 OH Squats
M:95 F:65

100 Days of 100 Squats Challenge
Day 23...100 Squats
Broke it up 10x 5 pullups & 10 squats to get some extra pullups in.

Back really sore from sleeping. Yes, sleeping. Woke up with back pain, which is really weird for me. Spent a lot of time with the foam roller since working out and it's helping.

  • 755am - Egg omelet w/turkey bacon cooked in olive oil, coffee, water
  • 140pm - Can of tuna, small banana, water (pwo)
  • 515pm - Chicken sausage, tomato, nuts, water
  • 730pm - Pork loin seared in coconut oil, a little mashed potato (no gravy), steamed veggies, water
  • 900om - boiled egg, nuts, water
I know mashed potato aren't "paleo" approved, but once every so often isn't gonna kill me.

    Wednesday, February 17, 2010

    Feb 17 - What if it's all been a big fat lie?

    What if it's all been a big fat lie?   Long, but a really good read. Coach Zach posted this link on Facebook, and I'm sharing it here.

    Rest Day
    Went for a nice 90 min walk with the dog - work in this weather? No thanks :)

    100 Days of 100 Squats Challenge
    Day 22...100 Squats

    30 min
    TP therapy/foam roll after

    • 730am - Egg omelet cooked in olive oil w/turkey bacon in it, coffee, almonds, water
    • 1130am - Boiled egg, some tuna, banana, almond butter, water
    • 130pm - Boiled egg, carrots, pistachios, water
    • 430pm - Can of tuna, clementine orange, plumb, almond butter, water 
    • 745pm - Grilled beef & shrimp, snowpeas, broccoli all cooked in coconut oil, water

    Tuesday, February 16, 2010

    Feb 16 - Am I in the same town?

    If you haven't been outside in Austin today, you are missing out! After the last few days, it almost seems like I've traveled to another state :)

    I think today's a good day to hit Red Bud dog park - parking will be hell, I'm sure.

    CrossFit Central WOD
    10, 9, 8, 7,6 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps of
    Sprawl to High Pull M:32kg F:24kg
    Dual KB Thrusters M:16kg F:12kg

    "After Party"
    1 Min plank, then 20 pushups
    1 Min plank facing up, then 20 pushups

    20 pullups

    100 Days of 100 Squats Challenge
    Day 21...100 Squats
    • 740am - Egg omelet with peppers cooked in olive oil, turkey bacon, coffee, water
    • 130pm - Turkey breast, boiled egg, small sweet potato, water (pwo)
    • 340pm - Turkey breast, tomato, almond butter, water
    • 545pm - Boiled egg, ham, baby carrots, almonds, water
    • 745pm - Pan seared (in coconut butter) pork loin, steamed veggies, water
    • 925pm - Small whey shake, almonds, water

    Monday, February 15, 2010

    Feb 15 - Hooray Holiday

    I wonder if my iPhone camera is about to stop working...odd looking, isn't it?  Today's been weird, not unlike that odd picture exposure. I didn't really feel like working out after not sleeping well (tossing and turning) and waking up way earlier than I had to. Once I decided to go, it turned out pretty good.

    30 reps, 155lb hang clean

    4 rounds
    20 box jumps
    20 abmat situps
    20 pushups
    20 paintbrushers

    100 Days of Squats Challenge
    Day 20... 100 squats... 1/5th done!

    Yoga to finish up the day's fun

    • 750am - Egg omelet w/jalapeno, bacon, coffee, water
    • 1230pm - Turkey breast, two tomatoes, nut / seed mix, water
    • 200pm - Boiled egg, plumb, sun butter, water
    • 620pm - Turkey breast, small sweet potato, water (pwo)
    • 830pm - Chicken sausage, steamed veggies, almond butter, water

    Sunday, February 14, 2010

    Feb 14 - Back to work.


    Photo from - very good illustration, isn't it?
    OHS broomstick rather than regular squats, the rest at usual

    Deadlift, 300lbs (all I have at home)
    2 min between each set

    Front squat
    Push Jerk
    13:28 Rx

    100 Days of Squats Challenge
    Day 19 ... 100 squats.
    The deadlift was a modification of the .COM WOD from a few days ago. Because I don't have squat stands (or a spotter), deadlifts seemed like a good plan. Felt pretty good, but not great - haven't done any heavy DL for a while. The last few sets of two were easier than the first, which is interesting. 
    The WOD was much harder than I expected, but not the hardest I've done. Need to work harder on jump/land/reset feet. I'm not too thrilled w/my time, but it's not terrible considering the DL etc done before it.

    Feels good to feel good again, and to be way ahead of the game as far as packing and preparing to move.

    • 630am - Two eggs fried in bacon fat, bacon, coffee, water
    • 1230pm - Leftover grilled salmon ( about 2oz), tomato, nuts, water
    • 300pm - Plumb and some nuts, water 
    • 500pm - Small whey shake, water (pwo)
    • 600pm - Cajun pan seared orange roughy (seared in coconut oil), steamed broccoli and carrots, water

    Saturday, February 13, 2010

    Feb 13 - Packing for time. to speak
    One round for time:
    Clean garage trash and sweep
    Haul large box of old textbooks to Half Price Books
    Haul load of old stuff to Goodwill
    Pack four shelving units worth of stuff into boxes
    Pack up stuff in living room that wont be used in the next few weeks
    9:25 - that's nine hours, twenty-five minutes.

    100 Days of Squats Challenge
    Day 18 ... 100 squats.
    I did a pullup or two every time I passed through the garage, knocked out my squats as I worked to clean, get rid of junk, pack, etc. It's amazing how much crap one can accumulate over time. I had boxes after boxes of stuff that hasn't been even looked at in over two years.  The huge trash bin is about 3/4 full and super heavy! Made a lot of progress, that's for sure.
    No real WOD, though I feel like I did Fran about five times today. 
    Something I need to work on - from time to time I let things bug me that shouldn't and I hold a grudge. Let it go, James, let it go...

    • 720am - Eggs fried in bacon grease, bacon - real, smoked thick sliced, coffee, water
    • 230pm - Chicken sausage, two tomatoes, sun butter, water
    • 500pm - Can of tuna, tomato, nut and seed mix, water
    • 830pm - Dinner at Texas Land and Cattle - Surf & Turf: Steak, shrimp, steamed veggies (yes, I can see the future, and the future is gonna be tasty), and a glass of red wine.

    Feb 12 - At least there's a three day weekend coming up.

    50 double unders

    10 dead hang pull-ups

    EPOC Challenge 4.5mile run 
    Around 35 or 36 min...I lost the time, thanks to trying to mess with my Timex iControl watch to change songs on the iPod.

    100 Days of Squats Challenge
    Day 17 ... 100 squats.

    Namaste 30 min
    TP/Foam roll after

    • 730am – Eggs, turkey bacon, sun butter, sun tomatoes, coffee, water
    • 1200pm – Can of tuna, ½ sweet potato, water (pwo)
    • 245pm – boiled shrimp, steamed veggies w/olive oil, water
    • 500pm - Turkey chili, almonds, water
    • 830pm - boiled shrimp, sun tomatoes, few almonds, water

    Thursday, February 11, 2010

    Feb 11 - Suck it up, buttercup.

    Uggggh. 3:09am, wide awake, what is that pain? Uh oh... TMI alert.  So, I've been awake on and off since then, and I still feel sick to my stomach, nauseated, crampy, and really just sacked. Will I skip class at CrossFit Central? Hell no! 

    Today just sucked. I had a pretty bad day, and while I am usualy able to just deal with it I didn't do well at that today. I kinda let it take over my attitude. I know it'll pass, most likely by tomorrow, and I'll be ready to get back to the business at hand. For now, I'm gonna take some Pepto.

    CrossFit Central WOD
    3 Rounds for time:
    30, 20, 10 DB Snatch
    20, 10, 30 Box Jumps
    10, 30, 20 Pull Ups
    15:30 Rx... pfft... 

    100 Days of Squats Challenge
    Day 16 ... 100 squats.

    Namaste 30 min - will do after work. 

    • 730am - One egg, a little turkey bacon, water, and coffee that I really didn't drink much of.
    • 1155am - Banana, which actually did settle my guts down some before working out.
    • 135pm - Small whey shake, water
    • 4pm - some boiled shrimp, tomatoes, nuts, water.
    • 745pm - Boiled egg, tomato, almonds, water
    I have no idea what to eat when you feel sick and are eating paleo. My old bread/cheese stuff isn't part of the program.

    On a positive note:
    1) My home loan should close on time!
    2) My Advocare order arrived as scheduled.

    Wednesday, February 10, 2010

    Feb 10 - I wish I could take naps

    Today, I wish I could take a nap. I want to so very badly. I feel a bit tired and I definitely don't want to pack stuff up to move! The problem isn't falling asleep for a nap, it's that I'll be screwed later because I will not be able to fall asleep until a ridiculous hour. Oh least I'm getting around 8hrs/night now, rather than 5. I just put my Trigger Point set to good use and am looking forward to class tomorrow!

    Wednesday is my rest day, which I've picked because it falls between my class days at CrossFit Central. Today sure is a good day to just lay up - it's cold, rainy, and just blah out.

    Rest & Recovery Day
    TP/Foam rolling
    Normal warmup

    100 Days of Squats Challenge
    Day 15 ... 100 squats.

    30 min, Namaste
    TP/Foam rolling to close

    • 740am - Egg omelet w/jalapeno cooked in olive oil, turkey bacon, flax bread, almond butter, water, coffee
    • 1130am - Baked turkey breast, tomato, plumb, coconut water, almonds, water
    • 245pm - Chicken and jalapeno sausage link, half grapefruit, handful of baby carrots, pistachios, water
    • 5pm - Snacked on some roast beef, carrots, almond butter, water

    Tuesday, February 9, 2010

    Feb 9 - Feeling really strong today!

    Today has been one of those days where I just feel strong and ready to rock! I love that feeling, and now I know what it takes to stay there. I know every day wont be great, but I can surely have more good days than off days.

    Normal warmup, but ZT threw a 20 burpee curve-ball at us today.

    Crossfit Central WOD
    1) Karen, 150 wall ball shots, 10' target, 20lb ball
    7:00  RX - this is a PR by 2:32!!
      couple min break
    Row 1000m for time
    I know for sure that my 100 squats a day challenge really paid off today.

    100 Days of Squats Challenge
    Day 14 ... 100 squats. This was a bit hard today after Karen and rowing, but not terrible. More people are doing it with me, which is great!

    25 pullups

    Namaste, 30min session
    TP/Foam Roll after

    • 740am - Eggs cooked in olive oil, turkey bacon, flax bread, sun butter, coffee, water
    • 200pm - Roasted turkey, tomato, baby carrots, water (pwo)
    • 345pm - Snacked on brisket leftovers, flax bread, sun butter, water
    • 500pm - Roasted turkey, tomato, almonds, water - another snack before going out to a movie. No popcorn allowed, right?

    Monday, February 8, 2010

    Feb 8 - Are you living your dreams?

    Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3
    185, 185, 205, 205, 225x
     x - failed 3rd rep at 225, let elbows drop and the weight went with them.

    Did HIIT bike intervals, 5 sets, 30min total
    I had forgotten how freakin' smoked you get from that! Definitely need to do more often.

    100 Days of Squats Challenge
    Day 13 .. after the above, this was no fun. Legs = rubber!

    Namaste, 30 min
    TP/Foam roll after

    • 730am - Egg omelet with jalapeno and peppers cooked in olive oil, turkey sausage, coffee, water
    • 120pm - Brisket leftovers, 1/2 sweet potato, water (pwo)
    • 250pm - Snacked on roasted turkey, flax bread, sun butter, and water
    • 500pm - Brisket leftovers, two small tomatoes, flax bread, sun butter, water.
    • 830pm - Snacked on some brisket, a plumb, and a few almonds, water

    I've been following the blog of a girl named Abby.  She's currently sailing solo around the world without making any stops at only 16yrs old, attempting to be the youngest person ever to do so. She's living her dreams!

    I have been thinking about my dreams and goals, and what it will take to get me there. Some of the goals I wrote down at the EPOC challenge meeting are close to being met, while some will take a while.

    I will keep my eye on the prize...

    Sunday, February 7, 2010

    Feb 7 - A good day for a PR

    She snapped the photo right as I was dropping the weight, note my left foot kicking back. Not sure why I do that when I drop weight from overhead.

    Warm up
    2 Rounds of 10, to change it up a little
    situps, pushups, box jump, OHS broomstick, punter kicks, lunge steps
    400m run

    Clean & Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1
    185, 205, 215, 225 PR, 235miss, 235miss

    EPOC Challenge WOD
    21-15-9  (45lb)
    SDHP, Swing, Burpee
    100 Days of Squats Challenge
    Day 12 - 100 Squats...definitely getting easier!

    • 830am - Egg omelet with jalapeno and peppers cooked in coconut oil, turkey bacon, coffee, water
    • 11am - Roasted turkey, tomato, almonds, water
    • 300pm - Small whey shake, 1/2 sweet potato, water (pwo)
    • 545pm through the superbowl ending - Brisket, 1/2 sweet potato, snacked on a bit more brisket through the game, and had some pistachios, water.
    Gotta love the Costco pre-sliced brisket. Just has paprika for seasoning. Takes about 15min per pound at 350 to cook, and man the leftovers are great to have around!  My dog absolutely LOVES the juice poured over her dog food - it's like winning the lotto to her :)

    Saturday, February 6, 2010

    Feb 6 - Finally some SUN!


    So nice to finally see the sun today, and the nice warmer air that came with it was an added bonus.  It was really fun to be able to get together with the EPOC Challenge team today and put in some work. I feel fortunate to be associated with such a great group of motivated people!

    After the flax bread I'm baking is done, I'm going to head to the greenbelt for a nice hike. I'm sure my dog will be happy about that.

    CrossFit Central EPOC Team WOD
    4 rounds
    40 hang power clean, 45lb bar
    30 KB swing, 24kg
    250m Row
    17:20 RX  - Holy crap, talk about forearm fatigue!

    100 Days of Squats Challenge
    Day 11 - 100 Squats
    They're getting easier...only 89 days to go heh

    We did some jumping muscle-ups and some pullups, but not very many - forearms were smoked, grip was lacking!

    • 745am - Two eggs, turkey bacon, small coffee, water
    • 1220pm - Roasted turkey, baby carrots, small coffee, water (post workout)
    • 220pm - Roasted turkey, flax bread, almond butter, water
    • 400pm - Small whey shake, flax bread, sun butter, water
    • 745pm - Thai food at Blue Bamboo Viet-Thai Grill. I had a coconut milk soup with chicken, shrimp, mushroom, tomato, peppers, and lemongrass. Passed on the rice. Water. Overall, I think a good choice while eating out. Check out how cool it looks! Yes, they serve it that way!

      I'm slowly getting used to drinking black coffee again after a few years of half & half and Splenda being its normal companions. Every now and then I'll add a little honey, and if I have it some coconut milk.

      Friday, February 5, 2010

      Feb 5 - Overcome

      If you know me well, or even a little, you probably know that running is not my favorite thing in the world to do. I knew I had to get some running in today, so I decided to bring back a WOD that we were given a few weeks ago -- the 200x8 sprints.  So the first couple runs were pretty good, I felt consistent and finished both around :40.  The third was :48 and the thoughts such as "I can't keep the pace high...I can't run that fast so many times" and so on were creeping into my head. I decided that can't was not an option, and that I would run that fast five more times.  My fastest was the last run, and though it sucked very much, I felt like I had overcome the BS my mind was telling me after the third run. If you think you can't, you're right.

      25 OHS, broomstick
      30 ring dips - far from unbroken set

      EPOC Endurance Wod
      8x200 sprint, rest 3:1
      Slowest was :48, fastest  :39

      Extra Endurance Fun
      Tabada Row, max effort 20:10, 5min
      1298m covered.

      I have not done this before, and it hurt more than the running!

      100 Days of Squats Challenge
      Day 10 - 100 Squats...done!

      Namaste, 30min
      TP/Foam roll after

      • 745am - Omelet w/jalapeno and mushroom cooked in coconut oil, tukey sausage, coffee, water
      • 130pm - Can of tuna, banana, water (post workout)
      • 400pm - Snacked on some roasted turkey I was cutting up, plumb, nut/seed mix, water 
      • 500pm - Small whey shake, pear, almonds, water
      • 800pm - Roasted turkey, steamed veggies, almond butter for desert, water

        Thursday, February 4, 2010

        Feb 4 - Screw the cold rainy weather, today was fun!

        The days we have a WOD where we're lifting heavy weights in a group are so much damn fun! Loud music, people screaming, a couple hundred lbs over just can't do this in a typical globo gym without getting kicked out or breaking a mirror :))

        CrossFit Central WOD
          "Jen C."
        Series done at max load. Bar may not be set down. 5 Attempts:
        7 Deadlifts, 5 Hang Power Cleans, 3 Push Jerks
        205lb - max completed weight, missed 225

        Skill / Strength
        50 double unders....aka leg whipping and pain. No subs!
        30 pullups

        100 Days of Squats Challenge
        Day 9 - 100 Squats...done!

        Namaste, 30 min
        TP/Foam roll after

        • 745am - Eggs, turkey sausage, coffee, water
        • 140pm - Can of tuna, banana, water (after workout)
        • 400pm - 2 Boiled egg, tomato, bell pepper, bite of sun butter, water
        • 745pm - Pan seared Orange Roughy, steamed veggies, water

          Wednesday, February 3, 2010

          Feb 3 - Sick of rain and cold, anyone?

          Sometimes, the cold and rain can bring you down or even make you feel trapped. This is especially true when you are a 74lb dog that doesn't get to go for her weekly two hour hike on the greenbelt just because her owner doesn't feel like spending an hour bathing her. She sits there watching and hoping I'm about to grab the leash and my keys every time I go to the kitchen for water or whatever. Life isn't fair, sometimes, but sorry Ally - no muddy dogs today, I have much to do and little time.

          Scheduled Rest Day - Wednesday
          Usual warmup w/400 run

          100 Days of Squats Challenge
          Day 8 - 100 Squats...done!

          Namaste, 30 min
          More TP/Foam roll after

          • 730am - Eggs, turkey bacon, tomato, sun butter, coffee, water
          • 1150am - Chicken & Jalapeno sausage, two tomatoes, couple mushrooms, nut & seed mix, water
          • 300pm - Can of tuna, apple, nut & seed mix, water 
          • 730pm - Shrimp stuffed baked salmon, steamed zucchini, water
          • 945pm - Boiled egg, almonds, water
          I'm pretty happy with my stuffed salmon recipe (linked above), but need to tweak it a little. May try flax seed rather than almond meal next time. 

            Tuesday, February 2, 2010

            Feb 2 - It's a mind it.

            The mind is a powerful thing, isn't it? If you go into your workout thinking "this is too much" or "I don't feel like it today" your performance is definitely going to suffer. I will admit that there have been times where I've told myself that I didn't feel up to a workout or just didn't have a positive mental outlook. Those days, my workout times showed that my head wasn't in it. Today I knew I would get a PR, and while I fell short of my goal, a 24 point PR is definitely something I can put in the bank and build on!

            You have to win the mind game.

            CrossFit Central WOD
            Fight Gone Bad (2 rounds)
            181 - Rx

            100 Days of Squats Challenge
            Day 7 - 100 Squats...done!

            25 pullups - even got one chest to bar!

            Namaste, 30 min
            TP/Foam roll after

            • 740am - Egg omelet w/jalapeno and mushroom, turkey sausage, almonds, coffee, water
            • 130pm - Can of tuna, tomato, 1/2 sweet potato, baby carrots, and water (post workout)
            • 430pm - Chicken & jalapeno sausage, bell pepper, bite of sun butter, water
            • 700pm - Baked salmon, steamed zucchini with some olive oil drizzled over it, water
            • 915pm - Small whey shake, almonds, water

              Monday, February 1, 2010

              Feb 1 - Gut Check

              As many single unders as possible unbroken: 171

              EPOC Challenge WOD - Elite
              Power Swings- 20, 18, 16…..6, 4, 2
              Sprawls 2, 4, 6….16, 18, 20
              Finish with five 40 yard sprints
              11:55 RX

              100 Days of Squats Challenge
              Day 6 - 100 Squats...done!

              Death by 10
              10 meters on the min. Every minute, add 10 meters. Set up 2 cones 10 meters a part, and add one return trip each minute on the minute. You are to add 10 meters each round until you can no longer continue.
              -11 rounds, timer started going off right as 11th sprint finished. 

              Death by 10 idea from Elliot's blog post.

              • 730am - Egg, mushroom, jalapeno omelet cooked in coconut oil, coffee, water
              • 11am - Sausage, flax bread w/sun butter, water
              • 250pm - Boiled shrimp (NO sauce!), boiled egg, tomato, flax bread w/sun butter, water
              • 810pm - Broiled Steak, 1/2 sweet potato, small tomato, bell pepper, water (post workout)
              Today was one of those days. Very stressful day at work, meeting with mortgage company to sign 10000 pages, and general strife. I didn't really want to work out. I told myself that I had not had a complete rest day with nothing since Jan 9, and I was tired, and I was blah blah blah... So I took a 45min nap, woke up and laced up my shoes and took care of business.

              Death by 10...Um, the name fits!