Thursday, July 29, 2010

July 29 - Yikes

Today the WOD looked pretty rough, but I didn't think it would bitch slap us like it did! The ring dips..holy fkin shit!  Gonna feel them tomorrow for sure...

Crossfit Central WOD
30-20-10 - KB Cleans, 32kg (72lb)
10-20-30 - Ring dips
11:32 Rx

Post Party
Plank -> pushups -> plank -> pushups -> plank -> rest ( I think?)

The post party, after the ring dips, was absolutely crushing. For me, ring dips are killers, and this stuff after....pfff I think I did 7 or 8 pushups total in those two rounds and spent a good bit of time wondering how to stay off my face!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

July 26, 27, 28 - Changing it up?

Trying to work on ways to change things up, do different things, and have more fun with workouts. I want to keep doing crossfit WODs, but add something else to it. I'm going to start adding some biking, kayaking, hiking w/a pack, etc - these are functional, no? 

July 26
Avg speed trial, 30min, known 3mile course.
15.5mph average

Not bad for a 9spd mtn bike. Could go much faster on a road bike.

July 27
Crossfit Central WOD
"Sally T"
2 Hang Squat Clean, Shuttle Run
4 HSC, Shuttle Run
6 HSC, Shuttle Run
8 HSC, Shuttle Run
6 HSC, Shuttle Run
4 HSC, Shuttle Run
2 HSC, Shuttle Run
4:58 Rx

4 rounds, 5min cutoff
15 situps, 20 wide arm pushups, 25 lunges
3rd round though pushups when time called.

July 28
60 min endurance ride, avg 14.7mph. Good fun, almost hit by a car turning in front of me.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

July 22 - Back to it

The break from class at CrossFit Central is over, and today was back to "Go time." It was good to get back, as working out alone is never the same.

Crossfit Central WOD
handstand walk skill practice

3 rounds
400m run
21 wallball, 20lb
12 push-press, 95lb

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Jul 20 - Globo gym fun

Since I started working out at CrossFit Central a couple years ago, I've found it's harder and harder to workout at a globogym. I go to 24hr fitness sometimes - like when we have a week off at Central . Today I had a pretty good time, and got in some good work despite the hero doing curls in the freakin' squat rack with the bar only!

Run 800 @ 7.0 speed on treadmill
50 squats
50 lunges
20 rounds of speed ladder, varied movements that we do at Central.

Dead Lift 225

Row 1k for time

Muscle-up progression using cable machine, interesting.
30 reps w/70lbs per side

Run 800 @ 5.0 speed

Foam roll, stretch, hit the door :))

Thursday, July 15, 2010

July 15 - When coaches are away...

With a break in play, we are on our own. What to do? I haven't really ran much in a while, so today I decided to run...and it wasn't too bad, save the fact that I forgot to change to my new running shoes.

Run 5k

2 rounds
25 ghd hip extensions
25 ghd situps

Monday, July 12, 2010

July 11 - Earn your shower?

What a day! I saw an interesting WOD on the Crossfit main site the other day that looked like it might be fun, and change of pace. 30K bike for time! That's a pretty long ride, about 18.65 miles. After that, was a 45min dog walk then 4hrs of yard work...back to back to back.  I had a couple chicken and veggies meals from My Fit Foods along the way.  Killer,, not all of it. WOD
Bike 30K

Shower definitely earned!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

July 8 - Don't call it a comeback

Man, today was like the exact opposite of Tuesday at CrossFit Central. It's amazing how much difference good sleep, good food, and plenty of water can make.

CrossFit Central WOD
Ladder Skill/Speed work

"Tom Green"
SDHP 1-10
Thruster 10-1
9:20 Rx

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July 7 - Dumbass Tax?

Going back to yesterday, the scuba charter I worked was supposed to be 9-1, so I ate breakfast and brought plenty of water. The charter ended up going until nearly 5pm and I felt pretty wiped out after not having any food and being out in the sun all day doing 4 dives. I got home, ate some turkey, veggies, and almonds and drank some coconut water. I drank a couple more quarts of water before bed and took some nighttime recovery.

I figured today would be fine, but I was f-ing dizzy and feeling like I was about to fall on my face.  Today was probably one of the worst workout performances I can remember having. I need to get my shit together and get back on track!! Hopefully the way I feel about today will be a reminder of what happens when I lose focus and have to pay the dumbass tax.

Crossfit Central WOD
5x5 floor press
135, 225, 245, 275, 275

3 rounds
45lb overhead lunge (distance of crossfit central gym bays and back)
250m run
DNF, RX...finished 2 rounds and about 1/3 of the next lunge... pathetic.

Yeah, I'm pissed about it.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

July 1 - I've got balance and skill...or not

At least they gave us a break on the upper body...and hammered our legs today haha!  Pistols take a lot of skill and balance, not to mention strength.  I for sure have the strength to do them...balance & skill, hmmm not so much! What a fun, yet brutal, WOD. 

Crossfit Central WOD
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps of:
GHD Hip Extension
Box Jump, 24" box