Thursday, August 11, 2011

Green Thumb? No.... & Rehab Day 6

I really should have bought a condo. The condo fees would be totally worth it. I hate yard-work, and I am starting to dislike having a yard more and more. This week, I got a nasty-gram from my HOA b/c my grass is not green. Yes, for real. Um, hello...HOA, are you there? Maybe they are unaware that we are in a very bad drought right now. I am not going to violate Austin's water restriction of two days a week like some of my neighbors, but I have to "fix it within a reasonable time."  Great.  Last night, I was a bit angry about it and considered skipping my Krav class so I could spend time working on it, but decided that the extra hour wasn't worth it so I went to Krav and then came back home to start work with a much better attitude. I put down lawn soil and seeds and 30min of water last night and then 30-40min of water today. I am sure it was a waste of time and money.


Food: 100% list foods only

Crossfit Central WOD
Power Cleans 3 X 5
135, 155, 185

185 was fairly easy....

“Wanda H”
200 M Farmers Walk
45 Wall Ball
200 M Farmer Walk
45 Burpees
DNF - ran out of time: 1pm call I could not miss/be late for.

Psoas Flossing & Biker Hips
Hurt so good...heh

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