Monday, March 15, 2010

Mar 15 - Time Mgt and focus = my downfall today

I need to work on time management and focus. Today I was so into finishing up some projects at work that I totally missed the time I had set aside to get my TP/foam rolling, squats, etc done, and then later I was back on my project and missed a meeting! After work ended, I had errands to run and next thing I know it's freakin 940pm!  The day blew by before I realized it was already gone.

Rest Day
TP therapy
Foot/Ankle flex work

100 Days of 100 Squats Challenge
Day 41...100 Squats

  • 750am - Eggs, turkey bacon, coffee, water
  • 1200pm - Can tuna, tomato, carrots, nuts, water
  • 430pm - Small whey shake w/almond butter, water
  • 715pm - Indian food, some sort of chicken that is still buring my mouth. Awesome...but i feel like shit now after eating it.
  • 920pm - One micro sized cadbury caramel egg. About the size of a piece of 5 cent bubble gum. It wasn't all that, wish I wouldn't have eaten it.

I need to remember something: If it wont help make me leaner, faster, or stronger then I'll pass.

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