Sunday, January 31, 2010

Jan 31 - James 1, Costo 0

Skill & Strength
25 OHS, stick
30 jumping muscle-up

EPOC Challenge WOD - Elite
50 lunges
400 m run
50 pushups
400 m run
50 dips
400 m run
50 squats
400 m run

100 Days of Squats Challenge
Day 5 - 100 Squats...
...only 95 days & 9500 squats to go lol

11 mile bike ride (lifecycle upright set to random program & level 12)
34:12, avg RPM 106, avg HR 153, Cal 406

I went to Red Bud dog park for a couple hours after working out so my dog could get her share of exercise today, too.  She is very happy now.

  • 800am - 3 eggs cooked in coconut oil, turkey bacon, some flax bread with a little sun butter, coffee, water
  • 1100am - Roast beef, nut & seed mix, water
  • 400pm - One boiled egg, chicken & jalapeno sausage, banana, tomato, coconut water, and some regular water too (post workout)
  • 620pm - One boiled egg, flax bread w/sun butter, water
  • 845pm - We're having bison steak seared in coconut oil, steamed veggies, salad, and water ... maybe a small glass of wine?
Oh Costco - you really tried to get me to sample and buy tons of very bad food today. Your nice employees offering up the latest in sugary-goodness did not trick me. A polite "no thanks" was all it took to keep you at bay. Nice try, and better luck next time. I win :)

It's crazy how much crap is in everything, isn't it?  Reading labels is something I really didn't do much before this year, to my detriment. Things that appear healthy are often heavily laden with sugar, corn syrup, chemicals I can't pronounce, and so on.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Jan 30 - What a great start to the weekend

CrossFit Central Free Saturday WOD
We added ladder drills and pvc drills to the normal warm-up, good fun!

4 rounds, as many reps as possible, 1 min each:
20kg Kettlebell SDHP
Box Jumps
Lunge steps, 45lb plate held over head
-252 Reps total, as RXd

100 Days of Squats Challenge
Day 4 - 100 Squats

Namaste, Lotus - 30min


Friday, January 29, 2010

Jan 29 - Count it down

25 OH Squat, stick
10 pistols each leg, supported by squat rack

135lb back squat
225lb dead lift
100lb shoulder press

100 Days of Squats Challenge
Day 3 - 100 Squats

Namaste, 30 min
TP/Foam roll after

  • 730am - Eggs, turkey bacon, almonds, coffee, water
  • 200pm - Chicken breast, 1/2 sweet potato, tomato, nut / seed mix, water
  • 450pm - Roasted chicken thigh and wing, nuts, water
  • 750pm - Can of tuna, tomato, nuts, water

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Jan 28 - Another Typo?

25 OH Squat, PVC Pipe (before WOD)

CrossFit Central WOD
"Another Typo" 
Toes to Bar9
OH Squat M:95 F:65
Box Jumps
19:01 - subbed knees to elbows.

My OH Squat = the suck.  I need much work on this lift. I'm kinda pissed at myself b/c I knew a long time ago that I need to work more on this, but didn't.

100 Days of Squats Challenge
Day 2  - 100 Squats

Namaste,  "Sun Wind" 30min
TP roll out after

  • 730am - Eggs, bell pepper, turkey sausage, coffee with a little honey, water
  • 130pm - Can of tuna, tomato, pistachios, water
  • 400pm - Fish fillet, squash, almonds, water
  • 745pm - Roasted chicken, tomato, carrots, 3oz red wine, almonds, water
  • 900pm - couple bites of chicken breatst, water

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Jan 27 - Love the Squat

Active Rest Day
Regular warmup, 100 single unders, 400m run

100 Days of Squats Challenge
Day 1 - 100 squats

Namaste, 30min, "Third Eye" program...basically 30 min of planks.

I followed the above up with TP/foam rolling fun.

So lately I've noticed that simple air squats are slowing me down during WODs like Cindy. Last time we did Cindy, I did the pullups and pushups unbroken for the first 14 rounds, but the squats were broken up in like round 6! For someone with a pretty high back-squat number, this is freakin' BS. So, today I will start doing 100 a day. David King is doing 100 pushups a day, so I'm gonna hijack his idea and use it.  Thanks for the idea, DK.

  • 740am - Eggs, turkey sausage, bell pepper, almonds, coffee with a little honey, water
  • 1230pm - Roast turkey, 1/2 grapefruit, almonds, water
  • 4pm - Can of tuna, other half of the grapefruit, pumpkin seeds, water
  • 700pm - Steak, small yam, Italian zucchini, almonds, water

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Jan 26 - Humble Pie

Skill/Strength Pre-WOD
Muscle Up progression practice

Crossfit Central WOD
5 Rounds for time:
400m Run
21 In and Outs
-- 3 rounds, plus the 4th run. 25min cutoff. Ugh.

Every now and then a WOD comes along that really smacks you in the face and lets you know that you've got a long way to go. Today was one of those...really sucks to DNF a WOD.

Skill/Strength Post-WOD
Kipping pullups 5x5

Namaste Yoga - 30min then a little  TP therapy/foam rolling fun

  • 730am - Eggs, turkey bacon, coffee, water
  • 130pm - Roasted turkey, 1/2 sweet potato, almonds, water
  • 330pm - A little more turkey, a tomato, a bite of sun butter, water
  • 715pm - Steak, steamed vegetables, nuts, water
Check out my new real food post - Yes, you can afford steak!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Jan 25 - My Little "Box"

My little "Box" is coming together. If only I could find a really good deal on a rower! More importantly, I am putting the stuff to use more than I ever have. Progress is motivating me to work harder and with higher intensity. I've had a number of random people walking by literally stop at my driveway for a second or two before moving on lately...interesting. Maybe they wonder where my curl bar or bowflex is :))
Normal CrossFit Central Warmup + 800m run rather than 400 + 100 single unders.

Skill / Strength
25 OH Squats, broomstick
15 dead hang pullups

100 dumbell snatch for time, 55lb
*Did 40lb Kettlebell snatch as a sub*

Post Party:  2 rounds of 25 abmat situps, 25 medball cleans, 25 pushups

Namaste - Seated twist program "for the lungs."

Never ever thought I would do, much less enjoy, Yoga! I would like to do this at least 4 times a week.

  • 745am - Eggs, turkey bacon, coffee with a little honey, water
  • 140pm - can of tuna, 1/2 sweet potato, spoon of sun butter, coconut water
  • 400pm - Roasted turkey, steamed broccoli, tomato, almonds, water
  • 750pm - Roasted turkey, tomato, two mandarins, pumpkin seeds, water

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Jan 24 - Putting in Work

Muscle ups - jumping, 30 reps

6 rounds, rest as needed between lifts
Sumo deadlift high pull 5-5-3-3-1-1
135, 135, 155, 175, 185, 205(miss, not to chin)

30 KB Swings(40lbs)
400 M Run
30 Box-tire Jumps
200 M Run
20 Clean and Jerks(95lbs)
100 M Run
20 Wall Ball
100 M Run
10 OH Squat, 95lb
200 M Run
10 Burpee Pull-ups
400 m Run
18:39 Rx

Namaste Yoga - Lotus Link

So today was a lot of work! More than I usually do in a day, for sure. I've never done a muscle up, so today I did 30x jumping to try to work on the transition, was harder work than expected. The SCAR WOD was actually pretty fun, and I feel like I was able to keep moving w/o taking breaks, which is good.

Today is the first time I've ever done Yoga, and I think it was a really awesome thing to do after the work I did prior. I set my DVR to record them from Fit channel, so soon I'll have a pretty good library of Yoga sessions to follow. Anyway, I feel really relaxed and ready to watch some football and eat some pork :))

  • 7am - two eggs, turkey bacon, couple pieces of pineapple, coffee, water
  • 200pm - roast beef, tomato, sun butter, water 
  • 400pm - Pork, steamed spinach, zucchini stir fried in coconut oil (yum!), water
  • 600pm  - Snack of some more pork, and an apple, water.
  • 840pm - Pork, tomato, bite of sun butter, cocnut water, water, small glass of red wine.
Cooking a pork shoulder in the crock pot today, since 7am. The smell is everywhere, and it is good. I'll edit this posting later with how it turns out, and my recipe if it comes out well :)

Pork came out pretty good, but missing something...just needs a little flavor maybe. 

Here's the recipe.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Jan 23 - A big goal accomplished!

EPOC Challenge WOD
Marine PFT
Pullups - 13*; 65 points
Ab Crunches - 92; 92 points
3.0 Mile run - 27:27; 44 points
Total: 201 points

*Did kipping pullups*

After a second or so pause to decide, I went ahead and finished the .11 miles to do a 5k...finished that in 28:37. Getting back to a sub-30:00 5k run was a goal I set at the beginning of the year. I really can't believe it's already done! So, while I am a long way from the days of running my 2 mile PT test run in 12:35 or so, progress is happening. I'm pumped! I still hate running :))

  • 8am - Egg omelet w/turkey meatloaf and bell pepper in it, small banana, nuts, coffee, water
  • 1245pm - Turkey meatloaf, tomato, nuts, water
  • 530pm - Roast beef, 1/2 sweet potato, tomato, spoon of sun butter, water (post-workout)
  • 820pm - Brisket, roasted veggies, cup of fruits, coconut water, water
I'm really enjoying shopping at Sprouts. Even on a Saturday, it's really never very busy. I think I've only had to stand in line to pay a couple times. Sure makes frequent trips for stuff much more pleasant than the bigger grocers in the area.

    Friday, January 22, 2010

    Jan 22 - Smoked like a pack of Kools.

    I've been reading Elliot's blog, and it's inspired me to start adding more work. Specifically, things I need to improve. Today was the first go at this.

    Skill / Strength
    Jump Rope
    1 - As many single unders as possible, unbroken:  154
    2 - 50 double unders. No subs:  Legs look like I took a whippin'

    EPOC Challenge WOD - Elite 
    5 rounds (couplet)
    10 - Dumbbell Clean Men - 45lbs*
    5 - 20 yard sprints
    *No dumbbells, subbed 135lb barbell squat cleans*

    Squat cleans = no joke, a bit tired maybe from Cindy yesterday. Sprints were not fun, either. Good workout.

    Planned: EPOC Endurance WOD, Week 2:
    200m  sprint  x 8  - rest 3x the amount of time the previous sprint took before starting next sprint.

    Actual: Bike ride 8 laps, all out intervals around my block
    As fast as possible going up the hill side of the block and rest going down the back side.
    16:44 total time, the back side of the block kept getting slower and slower :))

    I have never met pukie on my bike before tonight. Thankfully it was more like his little cousin, but still. That was no joke!  The block is about 7/10 of a mile; it's a mild and constant hill about 2/3 of the way around to go all out, and a shorter street that goes back down to the bottom of the hill to rest.

    The sprints in the couplet WOD really made my recurring Achilles tendinitis flare up. I was limping a little after that WOD, so I came up with the other "great" idea instead.

    I am smoked like a pack of Kools! I've had a few nights this week of less sleep than I want. With buying a house, just can't seem to turn off my brain to fall asleep, and I'm waking up way before the alarm goes off. Tonight, though, I think I'll sleep fine :)

    • 750am - Egg beaters, turkey bacon, tomato, nuts, coffee, water
    • 1000am - Snack of roast beef, tomato, nuts, water
    • 1245pm - Pan seared tilapia fillet, pan seared zucchini, steamed broccoli, almonds, water
    • 4pm - Roast beef, nuts, water 
    • 730pm - Seared tilapia, 1/2 small sweet potato, salad of spinach, tomato, walnuts, EVOO, some coconut water, and more plain water.
    • 940pm - snack of turkey meatloaf, bit of sun butter crack, and water

    Thursday, January 21, 2010

    Jan 21 - A date with Cindy

    CrossFit Central WOD
    AMRAP 20 min
    5 pullups
    10 pushups
    15 squats
    -15 rounds, RXd

    Rounds 1-14 unbroken pullups, and pushups! Huge improvement. The squats were slowing me down, and took too much time. Too much time after squats, before pullups too. Have to keep moving!  Cindy is a much harder WOD than it looks on paper.

    Either way, I am feeling really good. Progress is motivating.

    • 750am - Egg and bell pepper omelet, 1/2 tomato, a bite of Sun Butter aka crack, coffee, water
    • 155pm - Turkey pot roast, 1/2 small sweet potato, bite of the crack mentioned above, a tomato, water, and some coconut water, which is quite good!
    • 400pm - quick snack: turkey, 1/2 tomato, almonds, water
    • 615pm - Turkey meatloaf that I made, first try at it w/o breadcrumbs (needs work!), steamed squash, 1/2 tomato, almonds, water
    • 915pm - Snack of roast beef, nuts, water

    Wednesday, January 20, 2010

    Jan 20 - Burpee Backflips!?

    Wow...check this out: Burpee Backflips! (.mov file - quicktime player required)

    Will you add these to your routine?  I think not, personally. Crashing down on my head seems like a bad thing ;)

    Rest & Recovery Day.  Did the usual CrossFit Central warmup followed by some good stretching and Trigger Point fun.

    • 755am - Two eggs, turkey bacon, small banana, coffee, water.
    • 1140am - Can of tuna, tomato, almonds, water
    • 245pm - Shake, little almond butter, water
    • 500pm - Chicken chunks from jambalaya, bell pepper, water
    • 745pm - Turkey pot roast, small yam, salad of spinach, tomato, bell pepper, walnuts, and water

    Tuesday, January 19, 2010

    Jan 19 - Excited Exhausted

    It is possible to be both excited and exhausted at the same time. I didn't get a good night of sleep, probably closer to poor since I tossed and turned for three hours. I attended the 615am class at CrossFit Central because I'm going to make an offer on a house today, thus the sleepless night. The workout was brutal, and I actually feel much better now -- maybe too smoked to be nervous!

    CrossFit Central WOD
    5 Rounds for time
    10 front squat, 155lb
    25 pullups
    -20:59 RXd

    First time to workout with an empty stomach since I was in the Army doing PT. Interesting...

    • 745am - Two eggs, 1/2 small yam, turkey sausage, nut & seed mix, coffee w/a little honey, water
    • 1140am - Chicken breast, a tomato, seed nut mix, water, small coffee (snack size meal).
    • 155pm - Picked a bunch of proteins from the jambalaya. It is just to hot...upsetting my guts heh. Ate some fresh veggies, 1/2 an apple and a little almond butter, water.
    • 400pm - snack of chicken breast, the other 1/2 apple, nuts/seeds, water
    • 750pm - chicken sausage, tomato, bell pepper, mandarin orange, almonds, water

    Monday, January 18, 2010

    Jan 18 - Makin' Angels


    EPOC WOD - Elite 
    AMRAP - 12 min
    3 Shoulder Press 40 lbs  ** No DBs so used 95lb barbell**
    6 Broad Jumps  ** 24" box jumps instead, wanted to use box I made! **
    9 Supermans
    Score: 13 rounds  + 2 Shoulder press 

    Ran 1.5 miles after the above, and the time it took to fix a shelf that fell in the garage dumping scuba gear and crap all over.... took about 15min, but wasn't timed. 

    • 740am - Two eggs, small banana, couple almonds, water, coffee. Not feeling well, thought banana would help. It did, a little I think.
    • 1115am - Chicken & Jalapeno sausage, a tomato, small spoon of almond butter, water
    • 140pm - Leftover jambalaya and some water - lots of leftovers are still leftover
    • 715pm - Leftover jambalaya, nuts, water

    Are You "Smoking Candy Cigarettes?"

    I came across a great article today called Smoking Candy Cigarettes.  Check it out!

    Sunday, January 17, 2010

    Jan 17 - Beautiful day today!

    3 rounds
    50 squats
    25 pullups
    10 power clean, 135lb
    14:40 RX

    Well, the pullups are still taking so much time. Finished every round doing one, drop, jump right back up, repeat. Faster, better way.  Seems like pullups have been harder lately.

    Chris mentioned, after the workout, that his goal is to do one!  I've been there, so I said I'd show him how I figured it out. So, concentrating on doing a good kip to show Chris, I did a few pullups which were, honestly, pretty easy!  Technique!  I had lost focus on the technique for whatever reason. Looking forward to the pullup bar now.  I will continue to do a few sets after class, too.


    • 700am - chunk of turkey, a few nuts, water
    • 1000am - 3 eggs, turkey bacon, tomato, almonds, coffee with a little honey, coconut water, water
    • 100pm - turkey breast, tomato, bell pepper, nut & seed mix, water
    • 500pm - Made the primal jambalaya this afternoon...AWESOME!

    I didn't exactly follow the recipe - didn't use canned diced tomato, I diced up 4 ripe tomatoes instead. Also, added a couple Anaheim peppers and a couple serrano peppers.  A bit heavy handed on the hot, but I like it hot! I would also suggest using pulse on the food processor, as just turning it on makes the cauliflower almost a puree.  The recipe does make a LOT of food, so I'm glad it's good!

    Saturday, January 16, 2010

    Jan 16 - House Hunting with a quick and nasty WOD

    3 rounds
    30 Double Unders
    30 Squats
    15 Pushups
    I can not do double unders worth a crap. I was hurting more in first round from smacking myself in the legs with the rope, so did the rest at 90 singles per round.

    My lunge walks yesterday were not 100ft per round, more like 130... better to do more than not enough, but I'm a bit sore from them still.

    • 750am - Eggs, turkey bacon, 1/2 tomato, bell pepper, almonds, coffee, water
    • 1215pm - Fish fillet, last of the spaghetti squash, nuts, water
    • 300pm - Can of tuna, small banana, nuts, water
    • 630pm - Fish fillet, steamed mixed vegetables, nut & seed mix, 1/2 tomato, water
    • 900pm - snack of chicken breast, turkey breast, a tomato, and some mixed raw nuts & seed, water
    A week in to this challenge, and it has been a challenge in some ways and pretty easy in others. This is definitely the longest I've gone without bread!

      Friday, January 15, 2010

      Jan 15 - Lungin' in the Rain

      EPOC WOD #1 - Elite
      Walking Lunge (WL) 100 feet, 50 sit ups (SU)
      WL 100, SU 40
      WL 100, SU 30
      WL 100, SU20
      WL 100, SU10
      12:08 RX
      -Abmat for situps

      2min rest

      AMRAP 3 min - KB swings, 20kg
      63 reps

      Shower = earned! I definitely got some odd looks as people drove by today.
      • 740am - Two eggs, turkey bacon, small banana, coffee w/1tsp coconut milk, water
      • 1230pm - Two eggs, 1/2 small yam, almonds, water (post workout - running late for meeting, had to just grab something and go)
      • 200pm - Can of tuna, 1/4 tomato, bowl of leftover spaghetti squash w/Rao's sauce - YUM!
      • 515pm - Chicken wings (baked, not the fried good kind heh), more spaghetti squash leftovers, coconut water, regular water.

      Thursday, January 14, 2010

      Jan 14 - Rain with a 100% chance of brutality

      Crossfit Central WOD
      For time:
      800m Run
      100 Pushups
      50 KB Snatch (25L, 25R), 24KG
      50 KB Press (25L, 25R), 24KG
      50 KB Figure 8 (25L, 25R), 24KG
      100 Squats
      800m Run

      28:56 Rx.  A lot of wasted time trying to figure out a rhythm on the KB movements.  The last run, was a struggle but there is no walking in CrossFit so we pushed through!  What a killer WOD!

      • 740am - two eggs, turkey sausage, 1/2 tomato, hand full of mushroom, coffee with coconut milk (about 1tsp), water
      • 1125am - small piece of turkey and a hand full of almonds, water 
      • 140pm - turkey breast, chicken sausage, 1/2 small sweet potato, almonds, water (post workout)
      • 345pm - (snack) chunk of turkey breast, bit of chicken sausage, handfull of sliced mushroom, almonds, water
      • 715pm - Paleo Italian feast (recipe link below) - WOW! - and a bunch of water.

      Almond crusted chicken breast with spaghetti squash

      I have signed up for the 2010 Warrior Dash - Texas - I'll be running in the 9:30AM Wave. Anyone else going?

      Wednesday, January 13, 2010

      Jan 13 - A day of rest and nutrition meeting

      Rest day.
      Active recovery day with the usual Crossfit Central warmup and a nice 2.25 mile dog walk through the neighborhood. Stretching and Triggerpoint after.

      • 745am - Egg omelet w/mushrooms and diced bell pepper, turkey sausage, coffee, water
      • 1140am - Roasted turkey, 1/2 tomato, almonds (snack), water
      • 145pm - Roasted turkey, salad (1/2 bell pepper, 1/2 tomato, spinach, walnuts), water
      • 415pm - Roasted turkey (getting sick of it!), 1/2 tomato, 1/2 bell pepper, almonds, water
      • 740pm - Rotisserie chicken breast (no skin), roasted vegetables, pistachios, water
      • 945pm - 3oz red wine, piece of turkey breast, hand full of seed and nut mix, water

        Tuesday, January 12, 2010

        Jan 12 - 0500 alarm clock and rowing in the dark

        I went to the 615am class this morning at CrossFit Central, as I'm going scuba diving today. It's pretty shocking to hear the alarm going off at 0500 when you aren't used to it, but once you get going and get the WOD done, it's awesome! I feel great now. Looking forward to a rest day tomorrow -- today made 7 days of WODs in a row! Anyway....

        3 rounds went like this:
        Row 500, 21 box jump - 24" box, 21 KB swings - 32kg
        Row 500, 15 box jump - 24" box, 15 KB swings - 32kg
        Row 500, 9 box jump - 24" box, 9 KB swings - 32kg
        13:14 RX

        We did a little post-party planking, too.

        • 520am - one egg, one scoop of raw nut & seed mix, water
        • 715am - three eggs cooked with a diced bell pepper, turkey bacon, mandarin orange, water, coffee (post workout)
        • 900am - roasted turkey breast, raw carrots, almonds, water (snack before going diving)
        • 1230pm - turkey jerky, pistachios, water
        • 230pm - roasted turkey, steamed mixed vegetables, 1/2 scoop of raw nut & seed mix, water
        • 545pm - roasted turkey, asparagus w/EVOO, water
        • 845pm - small (6oz) shake, mandarin orange, nut & seed mix, water

        I've been listening to Robb Wolf's podcasts, and as a result will make a couple tweaks in what I'm eating post-workout. Less "fluid" meals (shakes, etc) and more real food.

        Monday, January 11, 2010

        Jan 11 - I want to WIN!

        After five days of WODs in a row, I was thinking that I may take a rest day today or do some active recovery stuff at most, but I was feeling pretty good. Here we go...

        EPOC WOD #2 - Elite
        4 Rounds for time
        10 Dumbbell Thrusters, 45lb*
        10 Burpees
        *Don't have 45lb dumbbells, so used barbell w/25lb bumpers - 95lbs*

        Post Party
        50 abmat situps

        • 750am - egg beaters (about 3/4 cup), turkey bacon, coffee, banana, and about 2tsp of organic trail mix (all raw, organic, unsalted seeds, almonds, dried apricot, dried apple), water
        • 1205pm - protein shake, a little trail mix, water
        • 245pm - turkey burger patty, salad (spinach, mushroom, 1/2 tomato, walnuts, EVOO), water
        • 540pm - protein shake, banana (post workout)
        • 815pm - chicken sausage, steamed vegetables, pistachios, water

        Jan 10 - CC EPOC Team Meeting and WOD

        Was a great Sunday meeting and WOD with Coach Zach. Here's the "fun" he set up. He had a 25 min cutoff time, but the whole team was not about to come so close and not finish up, so we kept pushing through to the end.

        3 Rounds for time:
        50 wall ball shots, 20lb
        50 box jumps
        Run 400

        Here's a photo I stole from Zach's blog of the team after we finished

        Daily Food
        • 715am - One egg, turkey bacon, banana, almonds, water
        • 945am - coffee, water
        • 1015am - protein shake, water
        • 100pm - chicken sausage, apple, almond butter, water
        • 415pm - two eggs, turkey bacon, tomato, almonds
        • 815pm - turkey burger (patty only), salad (spinach, tomato, mushrooms, walnuts, EVOO), small yam, water
        Lots of water, maybe a bit too much fruit, not enough vegetables? Hmm, besides that I feel pretty good about the food I ate today.

        I'm looking at Paleo as what I CAN eat, vs. what I can't.

        Jan 9 - I Am Crossfit EPOC Challenge Begins

        3 Rounds for time, 12 min cut-off
        Run 400
        15 Pullups
        7 Hang clean, 135lb
        I finished 2 rounds, the 3rd run, and 6 pullups as RXd. The pullups and runs took too long. Can't blame the 19 degree air, can I?


        • 705am - Protein bar, water
        • 1140am - 3 eggs, turkey bacon, apple, almonds, coffee, water
        • 125pm - 2 slices deli ham, 2 mandarin oranges, almonds, water
        • 345pm - grilled pork, steamed broccoli, bell pepper, water
        • 800pm - grilled pork, steamed mixed vegetables, almonds, water
        • 1000pm - 1 slice deli ham, one mandarin, few pistachios, water

        A very good start to Paleo, I think, save the protein bar. That's what I get for waking up late and having to rush. Need to be prepared for this in the future with something handy.

        What the heck is EPOC?

        In short, E.P.O.C is why CrossFit works. It stands for Excess Postexercise Oxygen Consumption. Check out this link for way more info than I could ever share (or plagiarize) here.

        This blog is to track my progress, workouts, food, and so on for the Crossfit Central - I Am Crossfit EPOC Challenge.